Elfheim vol. 3 #1 Night Wynd, 1992, b&w.
1 Elfheim vol. 3 #1 cover Tanick, the bald old elf and a chubby little sidekick tell Hawk and Windy about plans for Hawk's coronation. Windy tells them not to dump all the blame for what happened on Bran, he was under the control of Ichi. Windy uses magic to wake up Mr. Mctutt. Hawk is slouching in his throne with his feet on a footrest. Windy goes to hunt down Turo and explore the rest of the palace: he gets bored really quickly. McTutt licks his face. Windy tells Hawk who tells him to not cause any trouble, "Me? Trouble? Never." Hawk says, "Yeah, right." Outside a gang of tall elves surround Windy and McTutt. They seem to think he is like Ichi, evil. Turo pushes past, "Excuse me, one side please, coming through." Turo takes him out, having found a whole wing empty. Windy tells Turo how it always ends up the same: people hating him because he is different. Dao finds Bran is following him, taking an old stroll around his old stomping grounds. Dao says, "What better choice for a king than a thief." Dao, his hair up in a thick ponytail, tells Bran he came to get a drink at a tavern. Bran tells him they will go to the Blood and Stew and he will buy. Bran sighs, "The prince of politics," but it should be "the price of politics." Dao will be his bodyguard if any bother Bran for not being popular right now. Something comes up from a grill in the street. A ghoul follows them into the tavern as they push forward to the bar. Windy senses wild magic, something left over from Ichi. Windy puts on his cape. Dao tells Bran to fight, not to be a coward. As the two boys fight it, Windy shows up and tells them all to get behind him. He zaps it, his eyes turning white. Bran tells him he never thought he'd be so happy to see him. Windy smiles. Morning: Windy cries as he thinks about the people going to their lives and hating him. He doesn't care: he will still do good and help them as he's always done, just stay apart from there up in his tower. All alone. He cries.
    Backup story: "Stardusters" part 1.
  Backup story first page by Angel de Mioche: Tapiet, a little book in outrageous clothes looks like a boy with long blond (or white hair) floats in space and smokes a cigar, wearing a chain like thing from his little shorts to his neck, long leggings and shoes. He carries a book, a gun device and a satchel. A giant worm comes along and says last time he saw the boy he had short green hair. Tapiet tells him last time Silverband was one fourth his size. He has been eating the space warp's energy. The human man that had been taken in by him couldn't handle his missions so he split. Tapiet tells him that books work alone: if he didn't believe that before, he does now. He gave the interactive ship to the dork since they got along so well, right after ripping out the communications pack with the book Nebula. Tapiet tells Silverband to take him to a little sun. He has gotta check out a planet orbiting it. Silverband tells him want to check it out, not gotta and calls the boy affectionately––a little pest. Earth––the world that introduced the boy to Pizza and Star Wars. One hour later, they are near Earth. The planet seems to be poisoning Silverband and drains his energy. Lots of nuclear testing left over. Tapiet refuses to leave Silverband as it is his fault he is in this mess. He will share his symbiot's energy with Silverband as long as he can. The pressure and heat make Tapiet pass out. Pesticides, genetically designed lethal viruses, a depleted ozone layer, lead levels. Silverband splashes down into an ocean. His fangs are a bit charred. He is shriveled up and weak. Tapiet feels it is all his fault. He hugs him and tells him, "You are my oldest and best friend. I'll tear this planet up finding a cure for you, I promise.