Dragonfire vol. 2 #2 Night Wynd, 1992, b&w.
s Dragonfire vol. 2 #2 cover A small alley just off West Broadway: Mark and Maire face a demon like thing with antenna and four fingers. Mark asks if it cut one since it smells like brimstone sulfur. Mark is thrown on his head but is okay. The thing sets him on fire, superheating his bionic limbs. Maire uses a shield to block the bolts. Then she hits it with power. Wings materialized just as Kohl's do and it flies off. Mark asks her to call 911ññhe's "gotta" get to the shop. Dragonring HQ: Swift tells Lee about the tunnel adventure and tells Lee that Kohl sent him (actually it seemed as if he was afraid and let of his own accord to get Maire and Mark). Maire and Mark were already gone. Neji and Simon had tracked a UFO near Christopher Street. Neji is upstairs at Gen's. Sam gets a message from Lee and Swift and yells at them to stay off the official government channel. Lee tells him not to get his shorts in a knot. He gets off, getting something on his security channel. Lee calls him a stupid old fart after he gets off the channel. Lee tells Swift they are not going to listen to an old, frustrated, governmental puppet, homophobic establishment fossil dink. Deep below Hudson River in the Jersey City Journal Square Path train tunnel the man with the tie and his swat team fire at Kohl, Kam, and the train man. Kohl's suit is scale armor and bullet proof. Kam flips over and stabs some of the swat team with her sword. One of the swat team mentions that there is no mothman. Kohl's wings come out and he goes after him. In Neji's apartment which he rents, a shirtless Neji seems to be sleeping with his hand in a delicate spot near his sweat pants. Two bug eyed alien beings, small, come in. Another joins them. They take Neji away.
  back story first page Backup story: "Dragonring part 1"

By Angel de Mioche: a small, uncharted island somewhere off the Atlantic coast of America: Sam slaps Simon who is crying and wearing his glasses. Sam tells Simon he is an embarrassment to him and to the name of Stringfellow as he takes Simon by speedboat to the castle. A servant takes them to Master Ronaldo who uses his stick to hit Simon. A couple of boys, one fat, one prissy, are behind Ronaldo's chair, watching with glee. Discipline is the first rule here. Sam says, "Excellent. Excellent." The prissy boy, Master Peeboles will see Simon to his room. Sam is well rid of Simon and likes it this way. Peeboles throws Simon's things out a window. Simon punches him in the nose. Peeboles thought Simon knew the rules and apologizes, telling him to pick from a set of clothesóóthey all dress the same. Simon says, "I guess we can be friends and start over." Peeboles pushes him, "Like hell, Stringfellow!" The kid tells a big ear ring wearing pirate type (who has a hook on his left arm instead of a hand) Willis to sick Simon. Willis uses his hook to rip Simon's shirt, takes off Simon's jacket until Simon is only in his underwear. They throw him into a shower and run it on him. He says, "Bastard." After it, Peeboles throws him a nightie, takes him up to the tower to sleep with the others. Three boys wake up to see the two come in. Peeboles says, "Welcome to Agincourt, Simon Stringfellow."